Demigod Wiki

Here one can find a list of calculations behind certain game mechanics:

Weapon damage[]

Weapon Damage is the damage you and others do with a normal attack.

Damage range[]

Deviation = Damage * 0.05
round deviation to a whole number
Minimum Damage = Damage - Deviation
Maximum Damage = Damage + Deviation
For example 350 Damage gives you a minimum of 332 and a maximum of 368 damage.

Bonus calculation[]

There are various bonuses (health, speed, regen, etc) from a variety of sources (items, abilities, auras, etc) and they can be absolute (i.e. +18) or relative (i.e. +70%). The calculation for all these bonuses is the same:
( Base + Absolute Bonus 1 + Absolute Bonus 2 + etc ) * ( 1 + Relative bonus 1 + Relative bonus 2 + etc )
Decimalize Relative Bonuses: 70% becomes 0.7
An extensive example:

Leads to ( 8 + 18 + 1.92 ) * ( 1 + 0.7 + 1.5 ) = 89.344 Mana per Second.


Main article: Armor

Armor effects damage mitigation. Damage mitigation reduces weapon damage you receive by a percentage. Armor does not effect ability damage.

Damage mitigation[]


Damage Mitigation

(1 - ( 2500 / ( 2500 + Armor ) ) ) * 100%
For example 1000 Armor gives you 28.5% damage mitigation.

Armor to health comparison[]

( ( ( x + 2500 ) / 2500 ) - 1 ) * 100%
For example 1000 Armor increases your survivability equal to a 40% health increase. However note that armor only helps against Weapon damage. More health would also help against ability damage.
Explanation: Health and Armor both allow you to live longer. To compare the two you would need to see how long it would take to reduce your HP to 0 in both cases. Then you can equate an absolute armor increase to a relative health increase. The above formula does this.

Flag capture[]

Experience gained[]

( 100 + ( 2 * Level ) )

Exp per tick[]

2 / Players

Gold gained[]


Gold per tick[]

( 2 + ( 0.3 * Level ) ) / Players


Minimum Damage for Kill[]

To get a kill you need to do at least 25% of the damage.

Time damage contributes to assist[]

15 seconds To get an assist you need to have hit the target at least once in the last 15 seconds.

Gold Reward[]

For a Kill: ( Target Level * 100 ) + 500
For an Assist: ( Target Level * 50 ) + 250


Hero Level Respawn Time
1-4 25 Seconds
5-9 30 Seconds
10-14 35 Seconds
15-19 40 Seconds
20 45 Seconds